18 October 2024

Write for Us

We wholeheartedly welcome you to our website which is specifically created for the philomaths. We aim to provide our readers with quality content with 100% accuracy. If you have a passion for learning and growing then, this website is of the utmost importance to you as you will come to know vast knowledge on different topics pertaining to Education, Business, Featured, Fashion, Health, Tech, Travel, Finance, Home Improvement, etc. 

We welcome guest posts from users who are interested to work with us and follow all the guidelines. 

                                 Take a profound insight into Write For Us guidelines:

  • The article and blog must pass Copyscape and Grammarly tools.
  • It should be relevant to the blog categories.
  • Please check if it is not published before on the site.
  • The article must be 100% unique.
  • It should be a minimum of 600 words with 1 backlink.
  • For 2 backlinks the content should be 850 words. But backlinks should not be for the same site.

                                  Write For Us Categories

  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Fashion
  • Featured
  • Finance
  • Lifestyle
  • Home Improvement
  • Travel
  • Technology


You can also reach us by searching category+ “write for us”:

Business + “write for us”

Home & Family + “write for us”

Fashion + “write for us”

Finance + “write for us”

Travel & Leisure + “write for us”

Reference & Education + “write for us”

You can also reach us by searching category+ “Guest” post”:

Business + ”guest post”

Home & Family + ”guest post”

Fashion + ”guest post”

Finance + ”guest post”

Travel & Leisure + ”guest post”

Reference & Education + ”guest post”


You can also reach us by searching the following terms:

+ “guest blog”/”guest post”

+ “write for us”

+ “Submit an article”/” Submit a guest post”

+ “contribute guest post”

+ “contribute to our blog”

+ “become a guest blogger”

+ “guest blogging guidelines”

+ “contributor guidelines”

+ “send a tip”

+ “guest post by”

+ “guest author”